Wondering what to do in August? Interested in audiobook narration, gaming or commercial VO, animation or voice acting of any type? Join me August 9 at 9AM in Dallas, Texas at the One Voice Conference for ‘Voice Gym: Flexibility & Strength to Build Your Characters & Careers!’ This three hour workshop is part of a wonderful four day conference that covers a wealth of topics important to VOs. However, this session is the only one specifically created to help VOs develop their own personal Vocal Playground. You will learn a few exercises for power & stamina, and a few to get you open & receptive to direction, then we will jump into the world of vocal characters with an exploration of accents as part of the character tool-kit.
You Gotta Play to Make Voice Your Work!
Click here to book:
And by the way, if you are wondering what voice teachers offer VOs, read below for a testimonial from one of my clients at VO Atlanta:
Hello Sarah,